BeaYOUtiful Organization


We are passionate about supporting and inspiring young females, women and locally owned, small businesses.

Eccotique Spas & Salons and Zennkai Salons have partnered with the BeaYOUtiful Organization.

BeaYOUtiful Foundation works with young girls between the ages of 8-14 providing mentorship programs for those struggling with confidence, lacking self-esteem, or simply looking to build a more positive outlook.

Taylor Hui started the non-profit organization; she wanted a girl to look in the mirror and feel beautiful. The more she immersed herself among children and teens however, the clearer it became that young girls struggle everyday to feel confident in their own skin and admire their physical appearance.

When we met Taylor and learned more about her programs and visionary goals for young women, we knew right away this was something we wanted to get behind.

Our spas and salons sell Eccotique and Zennkai Definition sweaters and T-shirt’s, donating a portion of the proceeds to the BE Org.

In addition we are planning events in locations to invite young females to come and learn tips and tricks for the skin and hair care needs.